A Tiny Traveler: Best of 2016
Hey everyone! I can't believe that tomorrow is the start of a brand. new. year. CRAZY. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to plan out what we were going to do for Thanksgiving. I guess the older you get, the faster the years go by!
I wanted to share a few of my favorite posts from the last year, as well as some that were A Tiny Traveler's most popular. I'm going to divide everything into sections so it's easier to read. If you've written a 2016 recap on your blog too, please link it in the comments below. I would love to read it!
Blogging + Business:
Goals for 2016 - My personal goals are still a work in progress but my creative/blogging goals were all achieved for 2016! Yay!
Teaching my first Social Media e-course - I taught my first online course and it was so much fun! I learned some great lessons about online courses and communication, so that was good too. If you were unable to be a part of my e-course, you can still get the book here.
The Importance of Investing in Social Media - Sharing a few key things to remember in regards to different social media platforms for those unable to join in on my e-course. I also shared more here on Facebook pages, more here on Instagram, and more here on Twitter.
Ready, Set, Go! - Here I shared 5 tips on prepping yourself for dream chasing.
Oakmoss Collective launched it's online shop!
Lifestyle + Travel:
The Most Magical Place on Earth - My first trip to Disney with my in-laws, including Mark's first time vlogging!
Our First Few Days in Paris - Jessica and I went to Paris for 3 weeks and it was AMAZING. Definitely a highlight of 2016. I shared a little bit about our first few days (I planned to blog each week but I gave that up quick because I didn't have my laptop and the internet was in and out).
When Grace Can Be Hard - "Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many." Hebrews 12:15 Sharing thoughts on grace and love and personal shortcomings.
Planning a Gallery Wall - I shared some easy ways to map out a gallery wall for a small space.
Dating + Marriage:
Exploring Your Home Town - Spending the afternoon together and having coffee and going for a walk can sometimes be the best kind of date.
Feeling Nostalgic - Sharing some more photos and memories from our rehearsal dinner and wedding.
Coffee + Food:
At-Home Coffee Tasting - This was such a fun at-home date! If you like coffee or tea I would definitely recommend it.
Apple Walnut Pancakes - Absolutely delicious and perfect for fall!
Freshening up Around the Holidays - Sharing about Marie Lynn Skincare