Tips For Traveling Solo

This post is sponsored by Roomkey. All opinions, words, and photos are my own.

When I dream up my next adventure and start making plans to travel, one thing I always try to do is think about the area and the logistics. How will I get there, how long will I stay, is my hotel in a safe neighborhood, are there things to do/see within walking distance, is this trip going to be expensive or thrifty? The list goes on! It’s important to ask yourself these questions when planning a trip, especially if it’s one you'll be taking solo.

I think everyone should take a solo trip in their lifetime, whether that be a day trip, weekend trip, or even a whole week! That part is up to you. The reason being is because I feel like you learn so much about what you're capable of when you're traveling solo and you also get to take a step back and relax and disconnect from everyday stress. Today, I wanted to share a few bits of advice that will really help you out when planning a solo trip.

First is choosing where you'll go and what inn or hotel you'll stay at. Roomkey made this SO easy for me when I planned my latest trip because they showed me great deals directly from the hotels themselves. Essentially it’s a cool hotel search site! They recently went through a total rebrand, which I love and really recommend checking out for yourself! I feel like whenever I am searching for a rental or hotel room when Mark and I travel anywhere, it takes forever or ends up being the biggest cost. As I began to do my research and take notes, I realized that Roomkey truly was the best way to get things done! For my trip, I traveled to Beacon, NY and stayed at the Roundhouse Hotel. It was so cool!

Next, when your hotel is booked, get to packing. Something I've learned over my different travels is that overpacking can totally ruin a trip. You don't want to be lugging a huge suitcase up flights of stairs in case the elevator is out of order. You don't want to have to sit on your suitcase to zip it shut and end up being late for your flight. Just something to think about :) In addition, I highly recommend making sure you either pack a camera or have enough space to take photos on your phone in case you see something cool or want to remember your trip!

After those things, start to do some research! I love using Pinterest, Google Maps, and different blogs to find recommendations of places to eat, visit, and different experiences available. When I was in Beacon I found so many cool things to do and artsy things to do/see. (another post will be coming soon on that as well!)

My final tip for you when traveling solo is about safety. Always make sure that you know where you're going, someone knows where you've traveled to and when you're going out/return back to your hotel like a friend, parent, or significant other, and that you don't be stupid. I see young women all the time trying to be "polite" or "friendly" to strangers on a train or while waiting for their table at the bar, etc. and give out info that is WAY too personal for them to be sharing with a stranger. Just be smart and safe!

Have you ever traveled solo? Where have you been and what tips would you add to this post for A Tiny Traveler readers? Share below!


  1. Roomkey sounds neat! I love to travel and do most of it solo. Safety is always my #1 concern!

    1. Yes, you definitely want to be aware of things at all times to remain safe! I highly recommend RoomKey! They are so helpful!

  2. Surprisingly I have never traveled solo! But these tips are great even if you aren’t alone.

    1. Yes definitely great travel tips to keep in mind, regardless! If you ever travel solo I hope you have fun :)

  3. My wife does a ton of solo business travel and uses the Roomkey search as well!

  4. I’ve never traveled solo, but I’ve been considering it a lot lately. I think I’d want to go somewhere lovely but secluded so I don’t feel the need to take as many photos (the struggle of being alone is not having someone take my photo haha). Love these tips!

    1. Oh my gosh, yes! Haha I always think about that. Sometimes bringing a tripod and using a self timer helps, but it can be awkward if you're out in public. Definitely a great way to unwind, disconnect, and refresh :)

  5. These are great tips for traveling solo. I'm semi doing that this weekend and your tips will help me.

  6. Great tips! I've traveled solo(ish) once and I love the freedom that you feel. Safety is important though!

  7. I totally agree with you on traveling solo at least once in your life. It pushes us to get out of our comfort zone and explore.

  8. I love traveling solo and had the best time when I went to Boston alone! You don't have to worry about pleasing others, and just like you said, you learn so much about yourself and what you're capable of!

  9. I haven't really ever traveled solo before but it's something I hope to do once in my life at least!

    1. Its definitely a good experience and helps with independence!

  10. Some really great tips! Traveling solo always seems a little scary to me but I also think it could be really fun if you're safe and smart! Definitely will have to check out Roomkey for my next trip, sounds super cool and helpful!

  11. There is no doubt that traveling alone is one of those experiences that nobody forgets. Everyone who has done it recommends it. It is a type of trip completely different from the others.

  12. As much as I would love to travel solo, I don't think I can do it. I suffer from anxiety :(

  13. Safety is so important, especially when you are traveling alone! I also love the tip about Pinteresting an area before you visit. What a great way to learn about the place!

  14. It's been so long since I've traveled alone! These are great tips. I should plan a trip sometime soon because I've got some serious wanderlust. :)

  15. Roomkey looks like something I will need to look into for my next vacay! ��

  16. I often travel solo. Plan well, make notes and check them so that don't miss on anything.

  17. Super tips for traveling solo. I didn't know about Roomkey and will check them out. These days I'm doing more and more research via Pinterest, too.

  18. I was so nervous when I traveled solo internationally for the first time! But I learned so much and grew as a person. xo, Suzanne

  19. I had to drive alone from Atlanta to Florida and to just think of that made me nervous. After doing it, it was fine. I do not prefer though, to travel alone.

  20. I have never taken a solo trip before, always travelled with another friends. I would love to try this sometime

  21. I've traveled solo on a few press trips, but I guess that wasn't really solo. These are some interesting tips you shared.

  22. I have never traveled along but I think it would be nice actually. That way you can keep your own pace and take in the surrounding at your post leisure. Great post!


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