My Word For 2018

January 8, 2018 // By Natalie Jean

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Every year for the last 2 or 3 years or so, I've chosen a word for the year- a word that I want to encompass my year and my goals for said year. 2015 was renewal, 2016 was genuine (I never wrote a specific post on it, but that was my word), and 2017 was joy. This year, as strange as it may sound, my word is "commitment."

I always make a list of goals and I always enter each year with a bit of regret for the things I didn't accomplish. So, this year I've decided to be committed to the things I say I will do. I will do yoga every morning. I will eat healthier and try to get back to my vegetarian lifestyle (I started eating chicken again when Mark and I got married and its made me feel so blah). I will work hard to achieve my goals for my business, Oakmoss Collective. I will be intentional about keeping the apartment clean. I will focus on blog and social media growth, not just for numbers because they're not my main concern, but for growth in skill, aesthetic, planning, and relationship building!

I have a few other personal things I want to achieve too and I will be committed to them. My whole life I've been one to come up with ideas and creative plans but about halfway through if it wasn't going how I liked or I wasn't where I thought I would be, I would give up. Then later I would regret that and I wish I had been more committed to the process. Hard work goes hand in hand with commitment; the same with success. For the year of 2018, I will be committed!

Now, this isn't to say that I am flaky or I run when things get hard, because I don't. I just need to be better at sticking to a schedule and reaching my weekly and monthly goals so that the overall plan gets accomplished. No more Netflix marathons. No more procrastinating. 2018 is the year I get stuff done! I am really excited for it. To celebrate the start of a new year and to get myself on the right track, I got this cute little "focus word" necklace. You can get your word on one too, AND save 10% with the code NATALIE10!

What is your word for the year? How are you going to implement that in your life? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I love this! I definitely have had a hard time staying committed this past year. My word for this year is "growth". I want to grow within my self, and grow as a blogger and as a photographer as well.

  2. Commitment is a great word! I've never chose one word for my year, but I love this idea. I need to give it some thought, but now I need to choose a word for 2018!

    1. It took me a little bit to choose the first one and then last year I just knew I needed to pick the word "joy" and then this year with all my goals and plans for the upcoming year, commitment just seemed to be the perfect word!

  3. This is inspiring! I think I'd have to agree with you about making "commitment" my word too. I always have a really easy time coming up with ideas and goals, but then I always find myself falling behind. I started using the app Habitica again, and it's helped me stay motivated/committed so far!

    1. It can be hard to stay true to your goals! Apps like that are great!

  4. This is awesome!! Funny enough my word is joy! I loved your post from last year on Joy too :o)

  5. What a great word for this year! I generally don't chose a word for the year but last year I told myself to remain open-minded. This year my saying is strength over fear.

  6. I love the idea of this necklace so that you never forget what your intentions for the year are!

  7. That necklace is beautiful, and it's such a great 'everyday' reminder. Good luck this year! I'm rooting for you!

  8. Commitment is such a great word for this year! Success and everything that comes with it all starts with commitment, so I think it's perfect. The necklace is also super cute! My word for this year is cultivate. I expanded on different areas like cultivating kindness, dreams, community, purpose, and confidence not only in myself, but in those that read my blog!


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