Goals for 2017
We're well underway into the 2017 year and so far it's been pretty eventful. Planning, traveling, meeting with friends and colleagues, figuring out this whole "business" thing. Yep, 2017 is going to be a big year. I can feel it!
Oakmoss Collective (if you don't already know) is officially an LLC. We have a heart for community, creativity, and simplicity. In the next few months we have so many great events and workshops planned, as well as adding some great new products to our shop and working on our *drumroll please* magazine! It'll be a lot of work and planning and figuring things out but I am so excited!
Other than that, I have a few other goals that I want to share with you, both business and personal. I'd love to hear some of your goals and thoughts too! Share in the comments below.
- Drink more water.
- Clean the house thoroughly for spring!
-Travel more this year.
-Travel more this year.
- Keep a better savings account (I'm so bad at keeping money tucked away for "just in case" situations)
- Create more art. Currently I'm in a week long challenge where you need to post your art every day but I'm challenging myself even further to create art every day!
- Use my planner. I got a new one for 2017 but I have this habit of habitually using my planner until about March and then forgetting about it and then I'm disorganized and frazzled come August. This year I want to stay focused, organized, and on top of things!
-Read my Bible every day. I started this goal in November and it's been hard to get into the habit but I've been doing well the last 2 weeks and I must say that I feel so much better when I'm in tune with what God says about me and life and His call.
- Eat better breakfasts. I've been sticking to coffee lately and sometimes a bowl of cereal but you know what they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
- Do more creative things with Mark. We shot photos and video for a church a little bit ago and it was so fun working together!
Business Goals:
- Finish planning and finalizing the details for the Oakmoss Collective Small Business Owners Dinner (Grab more info here! Tickets go on sale this Friday!)
- Get a more consistent posting schedule for the Oakmoss Collective Journal (if you're interested in being a guest blogger, please email oakmosscontact@gmail.com)
- Plan out the next few events, social media posts, blog posts, interviews, etc. for OMC
- Add a few more prints to my Etsy shop
Blogging Goals:
- Write more consistently. (I've had such bad writer's block lately)
- Finish posts that I've been working on since last summer (I know, I know...)
- Start doing more style posts. I love taking photos and modeling my favorite outfits and accessories and I think that would be a fun new addition to the blog!
- Start reviewing my local favorites (coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, museums, book stores, etc.)
- Create a blogging audit and clean out old posts/photos