Sunday Morning Greetings
Hello friends! So I wanted to pop in on this chilly Sunday morning to just give a few updates and ask for prayer. Sometimes keeping a blog means being incredibly vulnerable. Here I am today, doing just that. I have a lot on my plate and while it might not seem like much to some, it's taking a toll on me. So I just wanted to reach out to those of you who read A Tiny Traveler and ask for prayer for strength, rejuvination, and direction from God in both my life and my husband's. We are both still getting used to being married and living in a city that we don't know many people in (plus being away from family) and it can be hard some days. I've been sick for the last 2 weeks and it is really taking a toll on my body and energy for work and household duties, and then in turn I get upset about not being able to get more done and being upset makes me feel more sick. Its an awful cycle!
On top of those things, Mark has been working really hard and I obviously want to be the most supportive and attentive wife that I can be but it's hard when I'm not 100% myself. Has anyone ever been here? I'm learning the lesson that I am not superwoman! And that I also need to start showing myself a little grace and stop beating myself up over things I cannot control. So if you think of Mark and I this week, please say a little prayer for energy and good health!
On a separate note, I am so excited for the launch of my social media class tomorrow! It's going to be so great getting to work with you guys. I feel so blessed that I can take something like this and expand on it with fellow bloggers/social media enthusiasts (and beginners too!) and get better together. If you haven't signed up, you have one more day to do so to join in on the fun. It's free and open to everyone that uses social media or would like to start!
In addition, I've been working on some fun things for Oakmoss Collective and have a couple new interviews and posts on the way, so be sure to head over there and sign up for email updates too! Excited to be on this creative journey with you guys!
On top of those things, Mark has been working really hard and I obviously want to be the most supportive and attentive wife that I can be but it's hard when I'm not 100% myself. Has anyone ever been here? I'm learning the lesson that I am not superwoman! And that I also need to start showing myself a little grace and stop beating myself up over things I cannot control. So if you think of Mark and I this week, please say a little prayer for energy and good health!
On a separate note, I am so excited for the launch of my social media class tomorrow! It's going to be so great getting to work with you guys. I feel so blessed that I can take something like this and expand on it with fellow bloggers/social media enthusiasts (and beginners too!) and get better together. If you haven't signed up, you have one more day to do so to join in on the fun. It's free and open to everyone that uses social media or would like to start!
In addition, I've been working on some fun things for Oakmoss Collective and have a couple new interviews and posts on the way, so be sure to head over there and sign up for email updates too! Excited to be on this creative journey with you guys!
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