Social Media e-Course with A Tiny Traveler
Hello friends! I have some exciting news. First: I finally bought a domain for A Tiny Traveler! It's been long overdue but I thought putting some of my hard-earned money back into what I love was worth it to make things easier for readers like you. So, welcome to ""!
Secondly: I am offering (my first ever) free social media class! I recently accepted a position for the women's ministry of the AG PennDel network as their social media manager. I'm so excited to get to work and connect with different churches and ministries! It'll be so much fun engaging with different audiences and learning new social media strategies for personal accounts vs. business accounts.
If you're a part of any of the Facebook groups I am in or have followed along with my twitter, you might have seen the announcement, but I wanted to share a little bit about it here (including my excitement to get started)! This is my first time teaching an e-course but I really wanted to share my tips and passion for social media and how it can help your brand and you personally connect with other people in your area + around the world! Sign ups close January 11, 2016 so be sure to sign up for more information soon.
I felt like now would also be a good time and place to explain why I am hosting this class and why you should join in!
1. It's free.
2. There will be lots of goodies, like prompts, stock photos, and a booklet to accompany the class/get you ahead if you don't want to wait for the 6 weeks to unfold.
3. We'll be chatting and discussing different platforms and tips so we'll all be learning together.
As far as to why I want to teach this class, basically I've just turned something that I do everyday and gotten good at into something that I want to share with others! I love that social media has given me a fast and simple way to connect with other artists, bloggers, and people who have the same interests as me! Social media provides art, entertainment, information, and unity of different groups. I love how Instagram can be a creative outlet for artists and photographers, as well as a place for companies and stylized photos to hang out. I love that Twitter can get information across to a large amount of people, as well as jokes and links to blogs and products. The list goes on, so I decided that I wanted to teach my surrounding community specific ways to improve their feeds as well as convey their ideas to the public in a relatable way! Below are a few screen shots of the organic growth of my twitter. That's the other thing... I'm not gonna pretend like I have it all together and my accounts are mega-famous. I'm just realizing what works and what doesn't and want to help you do the same!

04/2016 UPDATE* The e-course has ended, but you can still grab your book of social media tips and strategy here!
Secondly: I am offering (my first ever) free social media class! I recently accepted a position for the women's ministry of the AG PennDel network as their social media manager. I'm so excited to get to work and connect with different churches and ministries! It'll be so much fun engaging with different audiences and learning new social media strategies for personal accounts vs. business accounts.
If you're a part of any of the Facebook groups I am in or have followed along with my twitter, you might have seen the announcement, but I wanted to share a little bit about it here (including my excitement to get started)! This is my first time teaching an e-course but I really wanted to share my tips and passion for social media and how it can help your brand and you personally connect with other people in your area + around the world! Sign ups close January 11, 2016 so be sure to sign up for more information soon.
I felt like now would also be a good time and place to explain why I am hosting this class and why you should join in!
1. It's free.
2. There will be lots of goodies, like prompts, stock photos, and a booklet to accompany the class/get you ahead if you don't want to wait for the 6 weeks to unfold.
3. We'll be chatting and discussing different platforms and tips so we'll all be learning together.
As far as to why I want to teach this class, basically I've just turned something that I do everyday and gotten good at into something that I want to share with others! I love that social media has given me a fast and simple way to connect with other artists, bloggers, and people who have the same interests as me! Social media provides art, entertainment, information, and unity of different groups. I love how Instagram can be a creative outlet for artists and photographers, as well as a place for companies and stylized photos to hang out. I love that Twitter can get information across to a large amount of people, as well as jokes and links to blogs and products. The list goes on, so I decided that I wanted to teach my surrounding community specific ways to improve their feeds as well as convey their ideas to the public in a relatable way! Below are a few screen shots of the organic growth of my twitter. That's the other thing... I'm not gonna pretend like I have it all together and my accounts are mega-famous. I'm just realizing what works and what doesn't and want to help you do the same!
Above, you can see different analytics for different months of 2015 on my twitter account. In August of 2015 my top tweet earned 2,123 impressions but then in October it was a lot lower. I wanted to show the realistic things you can expect for social media growth. It doesn't happen overnight and there are some highs and lows, but with a good design and proper planning you can work on that growth! In addition, when you create a solid online community, or at least have great engagement with your audience you can grow your accounts too! When a popular radio station retweeted me, my top tweet reached just under 9,000 impressions. So as your engagement becomes more intentional and you start replying and mentioning, etc. on twitter you'll see a stronger community grow! (All this is not said to brag or be confusing... I just wanted to let you guys know that I am starting to FINALLY understand this crazy world of social media and want to help you do the same.)
Now let me end with this: I'm super excited to share some great information with anyone that is interested, especially with you! I've got some great resources and ideas that I know you can get some use out of, and I would love to take something that I do everyday and help others share in that same passion. Can't wait to get started!

04/2016 UPDATE* The e-course has ended, but you can still grab your book of social media tips and strategy here!
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