So it's only the second post of mine for this challenge and I can already tell that I am going to have to learn how to plan, prioritize, and get creative every day for it! I am really excited for today's prompt too. Day 3: Create a collage or inspiration/mood board that describes your blog.
This prompt is going to be a little tricky because I love making collages! I think that I'll show a few that describe the pieces that make up A Tiny Traveler. A few things that inspire me, describe me, and describe the purpose of my blog!
This "board" is made up of things that inspire me. I love cozy sweaters and cups of coffee, I love nature and flowers and this entire color scheme. The lettering has been inspiring me lately because I want to get a lot better at my own, so I'm often saving pictures and tutorials on Pinterest to practice from. |
These photos are my own and they are little pieces of me that make up A Tiny Traveler. The first, coffee, obviously. I love it and I love clean, crisp photos as well. The second photo is Mark, my fiancé. I am so encouraged and supported by him everyday. Only 23 days until our wedding!! The next photo is of succulents. I love gardening and plants and greenery. Succulents are small enough to bring my love of nature indoors to my desk or bedroom. The last photo is of a painting I recently made. I love painting and creating things, and this is one way that I get my creative juices flowing aside from blogging. |
This next set of photos once again show my love of nature. I love being around water and I love walking through the woods. Being in God's beautiful, living creation is such a joy for me. The next photo is of me in my new hometown exploring with Mark a few weeks ago. I love to travel (even if it's just a few hours across state). We found a cool bookshop and a few cafes that we love and I can't wait to visit again after we get married. The last photo is of my feet and 2 of my friends. I love the relationship that I have with them, the support and the trust and the fun we have. I am so blessed to have so many great family and friends in my life. |
The final board that I made was one of the simple things. Simplicity is key to enjoying life in my opinion. You have to love what you and have be grateful in all circumstances. I am saved by grace, and I am doing my best to live a life that shouts that. God is good and his grace and love and forgiveness have given me opportunity to make something of my life that will honor Him and help others! Also, more coffee and donuts. Duh.
What about you? What describes you and your blog? Leave your blog link below if you've joined in the #blogtemberchallenge as well so I can see what you're up to! |
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