give thanks*

Happy Thanksgiving!

Currently I am sitting at home for Thanksgiving break watching TLC's "The Great Christmas Light Fight." I know, I know, I'm jumping the gun but I just love Christmas so much! I am really excited to see some of my family tomorrow at the (several) dinners that I'll be attending. Before all the hustle and bustle of the holiday begins, I wanted to share a few things that I am thankful for and then highlight some more additions to the #365thankfuleveryday project on IG by a few of my readers!

This year, I am thankful for:
First of all, I am thankful for these two. Mark has been such a great boyfriend and has grown with me in love and responsibility and dreams. He always supports me and encourages me and the fun that we have in life is something I would never trade for anything!
His father, Mark Sr., has been so encouraging to me as well in my walk with God. He has been battling lung cancer for a little while now, but his walk with God has remained strong if not grown stronger! He is encouraging others, riding bike rides to raise money for cancer research,  teaching Sunday school, and making me laugh every time I see him! I am so blessed to have both of these men in my life.
I'm thankful for you, readers! Without you, my blog would kind of just sit here and not grow. How boring! Your encouragement and advice has been heard and well received and I am very thankful for the growth of A Tiny Traveler this year and for the growth of relationships with my readers as well. So thank you readers for being so awesome!
Coffee. I am thankful for coffee. Need I say more?
I am so very thankful for breakfast food at diners with my love. I always leave a diner happy when I've had pancakes and good conversation with Mark!

I'm thankful for friends. This year especially, I've been all over the place emotionally and I want to say 'thank you' to the ones that stayed and encouraged me and prayed with me and kept me believing in myself. I'm also thankful for the new friendships I've made this year! God made us to be relational and I cannot express how glad I am to have been blessed with these relationships that have helped me grow in every area.

To wrap up this post (I know you're all anxious to get to the dinner table) I want to highlight a few of my favorite posts on Instagram for the #365thankfuleverday project. What better time to showcase your work than on Thanksgiving? We've reached (as of November 26th, 2014) 582 posts!! That is so wonderful! And you guys are so creative. I am so glad that there are people out there who have joined me in recognizing all the little blessings and sharing them with others, encouraging them to say 'thank you' every day!

these photos belong to: Amy // Inspire India Project // Jessica // Anna // Cassie // Sam

So, wonderful reader, what are you thankful for?


  1. Thankful for growth. Thankful that every day, God desires to reveal more of Himself to me and grow me more in love with Him :)

  2. Natalie, I love that you started the #365thankfuleveryday hashtag on Instagram. It is so you - always looking for joy in the simplest of things. That's one of my favorite things about you. You're lovely.

    Thankful for you!

  3. Beautiful post and reminders! Thanks for all that YOU do! Glad you had a great day :)

  4. Us readers are pretty thankful for you too, pretty lady!! <3

  5. Thank you Liz! You're so sweet :) I hope you had a nice holiday!

  6. Thank you Summer! I hope you had a great holiday break and congrats on your engagement! :)

  7. Those are great things to be thankful for Rebecca! I am thankful for growth too! God is so good


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