So, you're going on a road trip?

So, you're going on a road trip? You're flying somewhere? You have places to be, people to see?

Well have no fear, because I have created a wonderful playlist to keep your travels upbeat and moving! I made a new playlist that is FREE and ANYONE CAN LISTEN! That's right, anyone. You just have to do one thing first (aside from download Spotify).

You need to leave a comment below and let me know where you're headed, whether its over the Labor Day weekend, in a few weeks, or over a holiday break. I would love to hear about your plans and excitement for them and where this little playlist will travel!


  1. Yay! This is a perfect pre-labor day weekend post. I'm heading to Atlanta, GA over the weekend, so I'll be giving this playlist a go!

  2. oooh yay! I'm heading down to Maryland this weekend and I was wondering what to listen to for the drive! I must check this out! thanks Natalie :)

  3. great idea! I'm going up to Portland with my hubby, although it's not for the holiday, it's because that's where his job is.... so the actual holiday i will probably be working on blog stuff!

  4. I love that Trojans song. It stayed on my mind for a few WEEKS. So catchy.


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