Nothing Can Separate
A few posts back, I announced that I was writing Friday devotionals for Walk The Same and I wanted to share one of them here on my blog. Enjoy!
Nothing Can Separate
by: Natalie Hagen
The past two weeks have been quite exhausting. I have been traveling, sight-seeing, visiting old friends, and spending days on-end in a vehicle of some sort. By the middle of this week, I was ready to take a year-long nap! It was insane.
When we get tired, we tend to only think about one thing. Sleep. Rest. Peace. We just want to be left alone. I can’t be the only one! You get a few minutes to yourself and think “Yes! Finally I can put my feet up and do nothing.” If we go too long without rest, we start to get cranky. We feel isolated and alone and start getting annoyed by things and people that ordinarily wouldn’t bug us.
When I get in these moods, sometimes I feel as if God is miles away. I need rest and I want to feel rejuvenated but I just don’t. I feel stuck and lonely and gross. I just want that wonderful energy that He can give. Well, hopefully I am not the only one who has felt like this. For those of us that experience this terrible dilemma, don’t worry! There is good news.
He never leaves us. His power and provision are here all along. He offers peace and rest as we trudge (or skip, dance, run) through life.
Nothing can separate us from his love and his life-giving breath. Joshua 1 talks about his God will never leave us, he will not let us be alone. When we feel tired and afraid, He is right there encouraging us to stand firm and rest in Him.
Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Our misery and exhaustion stem from the feelings of loneliness and not being loved, but take heart! Here we are promised that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. That love keeps us going! When we are emotionally, mentally, and spiritually exhausted or feeling distant we need to run to Jesus. Rest in his word and talk to him. Communicating with our Father, our Savior, with our greatest Friend will keep us from running dry.
So go grab your Bible and spend time with Jesus. Then go take a nap!
Devotional Series: Nothing Can Separate (#wtsdevo rest)
Posted by: Natalie \ Personal // Walk the Same
I love this, Natalie! I was totally nodding along with you when you talked about being tired. I know EXACTLY how you feel. And yes, if I don't get that rest (right when I want it), I get SO frustrated. But I have to remember that he's still there, always. Thank you so much for this beautiful and gentle reminder of His constant peace. ~Jenna // A Mama Collective