June Recap!

June is my favorite month because its filled with joys and fun! Summer begins, my mother, brother, and myself have birthdays in that month, Mark and I have our anniversary, and I get to spend time with family and friends who I hadn't seen over the school year.

Bought some succulents!

Mark visited for a night and we went to see Monster's U!

I got a new photo app on my phone!


Birthday Dinner :)

Kimi got a baby turtle! His name is Charlie Weasley.

Spontaneous Day Trip to the OC, NJ Beach!

Spending a lot of time with Kimi :)

Smoothies, yum!

An outfit I liked ;)

Shopping with mom.

Lonely adventures to the diner.

Made some wall art.

Very frequent trips to Starbucks.

Now I'm finally a gold member!!!

Dinner with dad.


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